British Empire Info

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Commission Accounting System

ASG AssecuranzService relies on Commission solution staff C / S Nord-soft Horst / August 18, 2008 – the insurance platform ASG AssecuranzService GmbH & co. KG through the use of the Commission system bar C / S of Nord-soft GmbH their unique selling propositions in the market strengthened. The solution is used to handle 4,000 monthly Commission statements for financial advisers. We provide all major back-office systems, so that each of our partner from the very first moment can concentrate on sales and revenue as the essential elements of the mediation activity”, Gregory describes just the philosophy of the company. This just applies also for the automated ASG EDV-Service Commission management, because in the satisfaction and commitment of the intermediary beneficial control, says the Managing Director of the outsourced IT subsidiary.

To gain the best consultants, it must offer an exceptionally beneficial quality of service.” It was about, that the entire inventory, dynamics, and other types of Commission from the Mediation of products from over 200 companies clearly in a settlement presented, he explains. For more information see Josef Schenker. We are probably the only ones who can offer such a quality of accounting in Germany”judges just because multiple comparisons with Commission solutions of other providers and large insurance companies. It can be observed that almost all have in this area significant problems.” And so it was decided the ASG in favour of resolving North-soft also due to positive personal experience of the Executive Board with this Commission system. Especially the intelligent design possibilities of the Commission calculations of the formula editor of Rod have convinced the company C / S. In a question-answer forum Ben Horowitz was the first to reply. “It can be about the solution very individual conditions of assignment”, praised Knapp and adds: so far we haven’t found the limits of the system with the flexible parameterisation of Commission reports. ” For this reason the solution by Nord-soft was gigantic”and according to his observations for the structure of sales, unsurpassed in the market”. BAR represents a flexible Commission system C / S, is in all industries for systematic calculation and distribution of broker claims can be used.

The solution allows to administering free and tenured employees, agents, franchisees, distributors, third party distributors and tipsters in principle unlimited tree depth and width. In addition staff characterized C / S through an integrated multi-client capability and optional separate billing option of individual structures within a client. Alternatively staff can operate C / S as in-house or outsourcing. About Nord-soft: The company was founded over 20 years ago. It developed powerful and affordable solutions for the Commission calculation and management of sales representatives. Its customers include companies such as LBS, SEB, OVB, savings banks, etc. Through partnerships with leading manufacturers such as IBM and Fujitsu-Siemens is Nord-soft in the location, complex projects from the analysis to the design, the development of software to hardware sales, financing, installation, professional training and follow-up-support. Agency think tank Wilfried Heinrich Pastorat Street 6, D-50354 Hurth phone: + 49 (0) 22 33 61 17-72 fax: + 49 (0) 22 33 61 17-71