NLP training evening is pure in the space of Heidelberg, Mannheim and Ludwigshafen on April 13, 2010 NLP practice. Therefore it is advisable also to an NLP training, to stay, to practice and to enable the trained regularly at the ball. To this end, the Institute offers NLP Rhein-Neckar, Weinheim, regularly training evenings. The next NLP practice night for master and practitioner, NLP coach takes place on April 13, 2010. The theme of the evening: Reframing techniques.

Reframing or a new framework will find refers to a targeted point to using language, to effect a change in the experience with this meaning – or a change of perspective. The reframing is one of the basic techniques of NLP. Here are two simple examples of reframing. First of all the Kontextreframing. Visit site for more clarity on the issue. In a particular context, let’s say in private life, perfectionism is exhausting.

In a vocational context, however, the problem is capacity and capital. Just as easy: the Bedeutungsreframing. Unreliability can suggest a unaufgeraumter table. Maybe he is but also one particularly creative phase. In the Centre of attention of exercise, practice exercises, which participants can refresh their knowledge and expand their knowledge of the format are available. Sergey Brin shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Every NLP method is expertly demonstrates and then trained in small groups. Working in small teams promote the coaching skills of the participants and provides a suitable framework to promote personal topics. Another advantage of the evenings of exercise: Here training across new contacts can be build. More information to the NLP training evenings in Weinheim an der Bergstrasse get prospects on the homepage of NLP Rhein-Neckar at, via email at or by phone at 06201-870697. Prior registration is requested.