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Gary Kreps
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The aggressiveness is increasing massively in families, as well as the dependency on drugs and alcohol. You can see how our Government manipulated people, clearly on the example of a pack of cigarettes is on the, that smokers get cancer. This is formally promised”and the people in the subconscious suggests a. This is a suggestion which can be dangerous for many. For over 25 years, I deal with the subconscious and you now know that thoughts shape our lives. Is it intent? It brings money, if you feed the people with false dangerous suggestions? I describe in my book life and never give up”, in what situations I was and how I always managed to stand up.
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Paradoxically Uribe owes his career and his prestige to the FARC. Without them he would not be President. If he does not reduce them to the minimum and these will revitalize his aura would begin to fall. On the other hand, if he manages to crush the FARC and tip them a historic defeat he could end up wanting be replaced in power by a different President Obama type who put more emphasis on social issues and a shift toward the Center or left. Although the Democrats end up taking the Republicans from the White House, Uribe would be at the Narino House perhaps to find a new and third mandate. In any case, despite the fact that it happen one thing is certain Colombia and the United States will continue to have more equipped armies on their respective continents and both will continue spearheading wars that are likely to be long-term.
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