British Empire Info

Identifying different parts of the British Empire

Information Security

As the great: – Information is the key to the door of any forged gates. In our time, the preservation of confidential information is a vital aspect. Leaking information about yourself, such as passport details, can cause that person will become , paying for someone else's credit, loans and obligations. Leakage of information from enterprises and the general of legal entities, leads to the fact that these organizations are losing millions of losses from torn contracts from the crimes of competitors. At this point in the world invented a lot of systems, maintain confidentiality, but no system is able to save us from the human factor. Gluttony, dishonesty, lead to what is not feasible to prevent the impending cataclysm. Therefore firms, and especially government agencies should in the first place – to invest in programs dstzi (Department of Special technical protection of information), carefully select personnel to their company.

Carry with them a thorough professional and psychological selection. All legal entities must use the technical protection of information to protect themselves and their clients. You must use encryption. Allow to sources of information that is confidential, persons tested in the internal affairs and have no convictions for serious offenses are not registered at the psychiatric clinics and drug dispensaries do not have a vague past, not found to have the support of foreign organizations. In a further need to test them with the individuals who will review the information classified as 'restricted' or 'confidential information', to take a written promise not to disclose confidential information, and her companion. Regularly commission (at least 2 times a year) to verify the condition of the protection of confidential information in an organization as confidential, and that which is a state secret, or is the property of the country, is classified as 'restricted'. For the multiplication of security needed to for the protection of information resources in the organization was responsible, primarily, the head of the organization, and then the person appointed head of the organization on these issues. The law says that the whole responsibility for the safety of confidential information is at the head of the institution, and therefore do not need to nurture ourselves hopes, that all sins and punctures can be passed on to a subordinate. The head of the organization's responsibility in this matter entirely to the end.